About me

Building user-friendly websites with high attention to detail and quality responsive design.

Osegueda's family picture

Hello, my name is Francisco Osegueda and I'm a front-end web developer. I started this path in my life because of my family, the picture says it all. They keep me grounded and I wouldn't have been achieved what I have so far without them. They are the source of my inspiration and happiness.

I've been making websites using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, and Bootstrap. My learning path started with codecademy and then I moved onto treehouse. They have been pillars in my development and crucial on my confidence as a web developer, just like my family has been.

Currently, I finished my treehouse track on front-end web development but my learning path is not over. SASS is my next step forward.

I've posted some of my work on my GitHub page https://github.com/franjose84 feel free to check it out.